The Pucci family comprises Costa Rican photographers with an extensive national and international trajectory.
These websites are developed using the WordPress CMS. Initially, the design is crafted, drawing inspiration from the books they create with their photographs. The concept, colors, and other elements are either utilized or created based on the elements used in the books to ensure meticulous adherence and 100% duplication of the graphic line.
Each site includes information about the book, a photographic gallery, details about the authors, and other features such as the integration of a third-party-developed shopping cart.
In addition to the websites for the books Costa Rica Aérea Vol. 1 and 2, Volcanoes, Chirripó (in which I also participated in a field trip for collecting resources used in creating a digital directory, which I also developed as part of the site, allowing businesses near the area to showcase their information), Bósques Mágicos and Flor de Madera, I worked for several years on creating landing pages for a photography contest managed by the Magical Trees Foundation called "Capturá la Magia" a contest they promoted. I also crafted another landing page for the Ojeadores application.
One of the recent projects undertaken was a site called Inner Costa Rica, which blended the experience of photographic galleries with a soundtrack based on sounds recorded during their photography journeys.